
Give Unto the LORD [Yahuwah] the GLORY Due His Name!
How Majestic is Your Name in All the Earth!

For many centuries, Believers in the Saviour have acquired many unscriptural traditions. One of these is the practice of changing or replacing the Name of the Heavenly Father God, and the Name of His beloved Son, the Messiah. Today Father God is bringing His people out of captivity, and restoring many things, including the Names of the Father and the Son.

The issue of Names is very important! I believe God receives prayer and praise from those who genuinely call on Him in truth, even if they do not know His Hebrew name or how to pronounce His Name correctly. Yet, the heavenly Father wants His children to grow in truth and in the knowledge of Him. Learning His true Name and the true Name of His Son has been a growing process for me.

In the writings in this Blog, when speaking in reference to Our Creator, our Heavenly Father, I use, at times, the Creator’s Biblical Hebrew Name, Yahuwah Elohim – pronounced ‘Yah-hu-wah’ – along with the traditional title ‘the LORD God’. The name ‘Yahuwah’ is seen in the Hebrew text of the Scriptures around 7,000 times!! The men who penned the Scriptures were not afraid to use God’s true name! The word ‘LORD’ was substituted for the Creator’s Name, by the translators.

Moreover, the Hebrew word Elohim (which means ‘Mighty One’) is often translated in Scripture as the word ‘God’. At times, I will use the Biblical word Elohim instead of the word ‘God,’ since Elohim more accurately describes the Mighty One of Israel.

Some people who use the Hebrew names when referring to the LORD God and to the Saviour, will use a slightly different pronunciation or spelling than what I use. This is perfectly fine because, with much study (as seen in the reference links below), it is hard to arrive at the exact Hebrew spelling or pronunciation.

However, may it be that all of us will learn to regard the Holy Name of our Creator and Saviour with the same reverence as the men whom God used to pen the Scriptures. God’s true Name has great significance and meaning as seen in Exodus 34:5-7. The holy men that God used to write the Scriptures regarded Father God’s Name with great honour and adoration: “Holy and Reverend is His Name” (see Psalms 111:9b  and  see Exodus 20:7).

So whenever you see the word LORD in all capital letters, remember that in the original Hebrew language of the Scriptures, the word is actually Yahuwah, or sometimes interpretated as YHWH.

When speaking in reference to the Messiah, I will, at times, use His Biblical Hebrew Name, Yahushua. His most commonly known Greek name ‘Jesus’ was never His Hebrew Name. (Some people, as I said, use a slightly different spelling for the Hebrew name of the Saviour from what I use. All of us are learning and are at different stages in our understanding regarding the Hebrew names.)

When a Hebrew mother gives birth to her baby, the child is not given a Greek Name, but a Hebrew Name. Furthermore, the actual Name of the Messiah is prophesied throughout the Hebrew Old Testament writings as being Yahushua, meaning “Yah is Salvation.” 

This Hebrew Name, Yahushua, appears as the Greek name ‘Iesus’ in the 1611 KJV Bible, and in the Greek manuscripts. But it was changed by the translators to ‘Jesus’ in the newer versions of the KJV, and in subsequent modern versions.

Moses said:  Because I will publish the name of YAHUWAH [the LORD]: ascribe ye greatness unto our Elohim [God].  (Deut 32:3)

King David said:  Give unto YAHUWAH [the LORD] the glory due unto His Name; worship YAHUWAH in the beauty of holiness.  (Psalms 29:2)

For further insight into Father God’s Biblical Name and Messiah’s Biblical Name, see the following articles:

  • Detailed information – a good research compendium:  My Holy Name


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True wisdom is the ability to see things from God’s perspective!
– Kathryn Kuhlman
NAMES are very important! "O LORD, how majestic is Your NAME is all the earth!" In these articles, I often use the Hebrew name for the Heavenly Father, the LORD God, and the Hebrew name for God's beloved Son, Jesus the Messiah.
For more understanding, please see: Names

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Cold Waters to a Thirsty Soul is the GOOD News from a distant land --- from the loving Heavenly Father God, the LORD God of the Bible. This Blog is dedicated to giving "Cold Waters to Thirsty Souls" --- sharing practical, helpful truths of the Good News found in God's eternal Word, the Bible. This Blog does not necessarily agree with, nor endorse, all the content of other websites, articles, videos, or persons referenced within this Blog. "Prove all things with Scripture, and hold fast that which is good."

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